Contribute to our database of type; join the experience through your browser with your webcam. Cast shapes and poses with your body to develop proportions for the Regular, Italic, Condensed, Extended and Small Caps versions of our font.
Simultaneously launching as an immersive digital installation for Milan Design Week and online experience. Eight Heads High explores modular measurements and its relation to humanistic design. Inspired by Vitruvius’ hypothesis and Da Vinci’s drawing L’Uomo Vitruviano (Vitruvian Man), which depicted the perfect body proportions as being eight heads high, HATO have merged these ideologies with contemporary design practices to create a platform that allows everyone – eight heads high or not, to contribute to and inform the proportions of a family of fonts using movement and poses with their bodies. Whether you are standing in the gallery or using a webcam in your own space, from the tallest stance to the deepest lunge, each and everyone's poses and ratios will be added to a wider database which will determine the final proportions of the font.
9 April to 13 July 2019
Belli Gallery
Viale Cassala 9
Have been running for 2145days 24hours 29minutes 42seconds
Download the press release for this project.
Find out about the project team on or follow us on instagram @studiohato for other updates.
Our practices are based in London and Hong Kong. Contact us for more information.
Exhibition Partner: Belli Gallery, Milano
The project has utilised a few open sourced materials, technologies, and libraries. We've used IMB Plex as the reading typeface. Pose Detection on the web browser is made possible with PoseNet running on Tensorflow.js. Vector renderings and manipulations are handled with paper.js.